
My name is Stephen and you can find me on LinkedIn and Twitter if you’d like to.  I spent 4 years working in waterfall and RUP software development environments and have worked in an Agile shop since 2006.  I’ve had titles like Business Analyst, Subject Matter Expert, Consultant, Product Owner, Product Manager, and Director of Product Development.  I’ve written BRDs, UATs, Use Cases, Roadmaps, and Marketing Plans.  I’ve done client demos, conference presentations, webinars, and white papers.  I’ve come across some great blogs, met and worked with some really smart people, and seen some software users create innovative work-arounds and add-ons.  I’ve worked with partners and teammates at the next desk and around the globe.

This blog comes out of that experience.  I hope my thoughts might be interesting, occasionally humorous, and perhaps even useful to others also navigating the space where finance and technology come together.  My involvement in finance and technology is my second career, and at times I’ll draw on things I learned and thought about from the career path I had previously.

Let me know if you like what you read or if it sparks thoughts and questions from you.  Follow me on twitter to find out when I post and what else I think about (@asbiv).  Enjoy.

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